Charity transports to various European countries

At VDH we believe that everything in the world is on its way to a destination. But it doesn't end there. Because a destination is only really a destination when it has meaning. Sometimes that meaning is formed by a good partnership with a company from our network. Or by a driver who is passionate about the locations he is driving to. But sometimes also because of the underlying purpose. For that reason, at VDH we carry out transports for charities in various European countries.

Transport for a good cause

Adri van Dongen, who is transporting the transports with a VDH car, left last Wednesday after loading for the Greek Lesbos. There we bring relief supplies to the reception camp that is located there. The refugees on Lesbos are struggling with shortages and we are happy to do our bit to safeguard the rights and needs of these people.

A ride to Lesbos is not without adventure. Via Ancona by boat to Patras and from there a ride to the wonderful Athens, a city with a rich and impressive history. Then from Athens by boat to Lesvos, where Adri unloaded the relief supplies on Monday morning.

Curious how that happened? We are happy to give you an impression:






Contact for more info

Jan van Dongen
Managing director

+31 187 685080

Jan van Dongen

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